Saturday, August 19, 2006

Sweet Potato Loaf

Saturday, August 19, 2006
I wish I'd taken a picture of the dough for this bread. It was so beautiful and airy, with little flecks of orange sweet potato. Not surprisingly, the bread is also beautiful and airy,with little flecks of sweet potato. In fact, if you didn't want to call this sweet potato bread, you could call it light-as-air bread, or, if you were feeling even more fulsome, you could call it golden light-as-air bread. It was the perfect bread for my poor, sore, newly-braced teeth to gnaw on too--a very moist, light bread with no seeds or caramel, like last week's breads.
This bread has a wonderful flavor, and an even better smell. It doesn't taste overwhelmingly like sweet potato, but when it's baking, the combined smell of yeasty bread and roasting sweet potato is enough to make you want to dig into the loaf before it's even done. And, in fact, only the end slice was photogenic enough for the blog because I sliced it almost as soon as it came out of the oven, resulting in some mooshy, but still delectable, pieces of bread.

1 comment:

  1. It rose a lot when I made it too, but I baked it in very hot weather, which I thought probably made it rise faster and higher than it would if I were making it in December.
